Access to Safe Drinking Water is a Fundamental Human Right.

Golden Globe Annual Awards for Business Excellence

The Golden Globe Annual Awards for Business Excellence is an award-giving body for business’ and personalities in different kind of field. This prestigious award is a joint undertaking of National Data Research Examiner and Marketing Services Inc., SINAG News Magazine and SINAG Foundation.

Golden Globe Annual Awards for Filipino Achiever

The Golden Globe Annual Awards for Outstanding Filipino Achiever is conferred to different personalities who marked excellence in their chosen field with their outstanding talents and expertise. The GGAABE believes that recognized excellence drives up success. They define excellence. This years' GGAA is awarded to JE Hydro's President and COO, Peachy G. Hapitan.

National Customers' Choice Annual Awards

National Customer’s Choice Annual Awards’ Logo is considered the “Seal of Excellence" used to identify only those businesses and individuals who have been chosen as outstanding professionals, companies, products, brands and service providers.

Access to Safe Drinking Water is a Fundamental Water Right


Access to Safe Drinking Water is a Fundamental Human Right.